Google Car

The “Google car” (as it usually called) is a fully-functioning autonomous vehicle.  Their video shows a man who is blind ‘driving’ in a suburb in California. The Google car is doing wonders to break the misconception that vehicles driven by software (and not by people) are unsafe or impossible. This is great news for TEV because in fact, TEV electric highway software would be a simpler task to tackle than Google’s sophisticated, sensor-based technology, particularly as within TEV’s track system the environment is highly controlled and has no variables such as adverse weather, potholes, animals crossing, pedestrians etc.

In theory, Google’s cars could be totally compatible with the TEV electric highway system – so long as the cars are electrically powered of course.  If you owned a Google car, the TEV electric highway network would be your preferred way to travel longer distances.  It would solve problems such as traffic jams and be a protection from bad weather and bad drivers. Also, being all-electric, it would provide the lowest cost carbon-free ride possible.Watch the video (Youtube)
